Chronicles of a yarn farmer, shepherdess, and fiber geek!

Chronicles of a yarn farmer, shepherdess, and fiber geek!

February 14, 2011

New Lambs and Waiting for More

The day after the big storm our first BFL ewe broke the waiting game and produced two 10 pound lambs....a ram and a ewe. Here are a few pics along with some other pics:
Ewe lamb. Layered up the was pretty frigid for a week or so after they were born. 

Blossom peeking around the corner to get a look at the lambs.

Bear cat overseeing the work outside.

The other barn with the lambing stalls for the Lincolns.

New BFL lambs.

One of the next ewes to go. She's big.

Uncle Puzzle (the guard llama) hanging with the young ewes.

Blossom, looking all cute!


Tracy P said...

Those lambs are adorable!

uglydog75 said...

Your ewes look great, and what beautiful blue faces on those lambs... Congrats!

What a great way to start the lambing season!