Yesterday's activities at the NY Sheep and Wool Festival were amazing. Before we went to the festival we found a lovely diner in Red Hook, NY called An Apple A Day....awesome, awesome food. A simple, quaint place that has lots of stuff with fresh veggies, fruits, and best of all home made apple and pumpkin pie...OMG YUM! I had a garden omelette with fresh zucchini, eggplant, asparagus and other veggies. Then we went back for lunch.
I started the day by taking an Inkle weaving class. I picked up a hand made floor Inkle loom from someone in our spinners guild last year. It was a steal so I had to get it even though I didn't know how to use it. So it sat around for a year mostly holding my circular knitting needles. But when I saw the festival offered this class, I had to take it. So I found a new place for my cirs and packed the loom in the truck for the trip. Here are a few pics from yesterday's class:
Me weaving. I finally got it warped! |
Not bad. I have to watch my edges. |
Top view. The ideas swirling in my head are endless. |
This is Michelle from our "Flock U" spinners guild. It was nice having a familiar face in the class. Her band is awesome. |
After the weaving class and lunch at An Apple A Day (I had the yummy, cinnamony apple pie) I headed to the wool show. I volunteered with the fleece check in. Over 400 fleeces were entered...a handspinner's heaven! I love raw fleeces probably because it's as close to its natural state (growing on the sheep, alpaca, or goats' back) as you can get.
Then the judging was from 5:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Three judges judged the wool fleeces, one judge for alpaca, and one judge for mohair. I was the scribe for one of the wool judges. She judged the primitive breeds and the natural colored fine wool. As a scribe you get to see the fleeces from a judges perspective, hear their comments, and learn a helluva lot. Here are a few pics from the wool show:
The hard working show organizers. |
Some of the fleeces. More were coming in. |
Judge Elaine and me. She's an excellent judge. |
Listening to and writing scores and comments. |
Critiquing the fleece. |
Saturday morning is the fleece sale. Picture handspinners rushing into the fleece area trying to find and secure their desired fleece. I want to get there early this morning just to watch. I don't plan to buy a fleece this time, but I do want to watch the craziness. I envision something similar to a mob of bride-zillas rushing into a bridal shop on 50% off day.
Carol- The NY Sheep and Wool Festival looks like a great time! Good to see another inkle loom put into use. It takes time to develop a feel for even borders, but I think this video by Ruth MacGregor does a good job of explaning the method that works for me.
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