Chronicles of a yarn farmer, shepherdess, and fiber geek!

Chronicles of a yarn farmer, shepherdess, and fiber geek!

April 3, 2011

Lambs Growing Like Weeds

I think it's safe to say that we're done with lambing....well sort of. Our oldest ewe that was in with the breeding group doesn't look like she'll lamb (and that's o.k.). That means we're basically done with the BFLs, Lincolns, and Angora goats. However, we may be presented with a few more lambs in May. Ya, that's right, our 2010 ram lambs (Gusto) got through the fence and had a visit with four ewe lambs. We'll have to keep an eye on them and see who lambs in May (yikes...that's next month).

Total lambs and kids so far: 
Bluefaced Leicesters (11): five ewes and six rams
Lincoln Longwools (4): one ewe and three rams
BFL/Lincoln crossbreed (2): one ewe and one ram
Angora goats (4): three does and one buck

Rosie: Lincoln purebred ewe lamb (mom is Lady Rhinebeck)

Rainier: Lincoln purebred ram lamb (mom is Lady Rhinebeck)

Rosie and Rainier: Twin Lincoln lambs from Ladey Rhinebeck

Harmony: BFL/Lincoln crossbred ewe lamb (mom is Haley)

Hansel: BFL/Lincoln crossbred ram lamb (mom is Haley)

Evita (white) and Evette (black): Our newest BFL lambs born March 18 (mom is Evy)

Lancelot: Our orphan, bottle fed lamb (mom is Lacey and didn't want him :-( 

1 comment:

JG said...

It looks like Lady Rhinebeck has already taught Rosie and Rainier to pose! I love the picture of them standing side by side. Thanks for posting these photos!