Chronicles of a yarn farmer, shepherdess, and fiber geek!

Chronicles of a yarn farmer, shepherdess, and fiber geek!

February 16, 2010

First Day in Snow...

...for the Lincoln lambs, that is. I'm sure many people have had enough snow to last nine lives! I spent about four hours outside on Monday getting stalls cleaned, the creep area set up, and a bunch of miscellaneous stuff. The Lincolns spent the day in a small pasture and for the lambs it was their first taste of snow. They loved it! Lambs love just about anything and snow is no different.

Here is a YouTube clip of the lambs and their shenanigans:

This is "Red". One of our Angora goats. She's checking out the Lincolns. They will be sharing a pasture soon so I want them to get acquainted.

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